Empower Your Practice

Journal for Practice Managers

Social Media in Healthcare | 7 Tips to Promote Your Clinic

Learn all about the importance of social media in healthcare, its benefits & drawbacks, tips on how to use it, & more.

6 Top Strategies to Boost Patient Acquisition in 2024

Discover the 6 best patient acquisition strategies that will help you attract new patients to your medical practice!

How to Increase the Number of Patient Visits and Improve Retention

Today we will share some tips to help your clinic increase the number of patient visits and encourage your patients to come back.

Why Your EHR and Practice Management System Should Go Hand in Hand

Practice management software and electronic health records (EHR) are inextricably interlinked in modern private practices.

5 Steps to Working as Your Own Private Practice Manager

The best way to get up to speed quickly as the private practice manager of your own clinical practice is to acquire gold-standard patient management software.

Online Mental Health Clinics: The Fundamentals You Need to Know

Medesk is here to show you how you can bring your business back to life and expand like never before. Discover what you can achieve with the right tools.

Hair loss clinics and the next generation of client care

How to build an effective hair loss clinic and patient management with Medesk software. We show you how to benefit quickly from flexible online booking tools.

How Clinic Management Software Helps You Match Patients' Expectations

With private practice software, you can track all the KPIs and discover facts about service quality and patient experience in your clinic.

How Private Practice Software Helps to Improve Patient Acquisition

If you're looking to develop your clinic, read on to discover how medical practice management software can help you grow sustainably into the future.

How to Build Effective Clinics and Patient Management Working Remotely

Our aim is to help you build an effective clinic while working remotely by using the Medesk tools like task delegating, medical CRM and analytics.

All You Need to Know About Online Consultations in Short Videos

If your patients cannot come to a clinic, we have a way out. You can convert existing appointments into video calls, while keeping your patients informed.

The Main Aspects of Patient Management

The article discusses aspects of patient management: clinic-patient relationship or managing the patient from a medical perspective.

EHR: Good for Your Practice, Even Better for Your Patients

This article examines how a well-organised EHR module can help you to run your clinic and provide the best care for your patients.

Patient Management in the Era of Telemedicine

Watch our video masterclass and learn how to combine your EHR tools with telemedicine so patients can still get the quality healthcare they deserve

How to See More Great Clients Through Effective Marketing

Watch our video masterclass and learn how you should be marketing your business if you want to take your practice to the next level.

Effective Patient Management with Medesk Software

Your success in private practice comes down to how well you communicate with your patients and how conveniently you provide them with what they need.

How to Take Your Practice Online and Help Self-Isolating Patients

Watch our video masterclass and learn how to as productive as possible working with patients on a virtual basis.

5 Simple Steps Towards Working with Patients Remotely

We will show you how to work with patients if they cannot come to your clinic remotely using practice management software modules.

Practice Management Software That Does More Than a Standard Package

A practice management software that helps to cut down on administrative tasks and let you establish the most concise marketing strategy all in one product.

The Role of Practice Management Software in Patient Retention

Don’t switch to digital just for the sake of it. Implement our knowledge to manage your practice and succeed in business.

Send Texts to Patients Directly from Medesk

Medesk has just integrated with some of the leading SMS providers in the UK, including Text Magic. Send patients SMS messages straight from the platform.