Empower Your Practice

Journal for Practice Managers

Table of Contents

    How to See More Great Clients Through Effective Marketing

    One of the main struggles faced by private practice is undoubtedly patient acquisition. It’s hard to know how to promote your services in a way that builds trust and encourages patients to book an appointment. Fortunately, there is a solution.

    Learn how to simplify your practice workflow and free up more time for patients with Medesk.

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    Learn how to:

    • Market your services effectively to patients
    • Put yourself out there and deal with the “fear of being seen”
    • Build a great website that converts visitors into clients with ease
    • Grow your professional network and boost your referrals

    Medesk helps automate scheduling and record-keeping, allowing you to recreate an individual approach to each patient, providing them with maximum attention.

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    Watch next: The Main Aspects of Patient Management

    Discover more about the essential features of Medesk and claim your free access today!

    Explore now >>

    Should You Charge Your Patient’s a No-Show Fee? Pros & Cons

    Wondering whether or not to charge a doctor’s office no-show fee? Here are the pros & cons to help you decide.

    6 Top Medical Practice Management Software For Your Practice in 2024

    Explore top practice management software for 2024. Enhance efficiency and patient care with leading solutions: Medesk, Jane, WriteUpp, and more.

    How to Start a Physical Therapy Clinic in 2024 [10 Easy Steps]

    Thinking of starting a physical therapy clinic? With our comprehensive step-by-step guide, opening a physical therapy clinic has never been easier!