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Journal for Practice Managers

33+ Best Healthcare KPIs and Metrics for Reporting [in 2024]

Healthcare KPI

The goal of any medical facility is to provide high-quality care for the patients while maintaining high profitability.

But let’s face it - making sure that your practice’s performance is top-notch is no easy task. You need to consider staffing, scheduling, finances, services, and many other aspects of running a healthcare facility.

But it doesn’t have to be so hard!

Instead of doing all of this yourself, you can use medical software to help you track and optimize your practice’s performance.

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That’s where healthcare Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) come into play.

These healthcare metrics measure your practice’s performance and show how effectively you’re reaching specific goals.

On top of that, they can also help you see which areas of your practice need improvement, so you can make better decisions to ensure your practice’s performance is top-notch!

So, if you’re looking to find out which healthcare metrics you should track to improve your practice, we’ve got you covered.

In this article, you will learn everything about monitoring healthcare KPIs, including:

  • What is a Healthcare KPI
  • Why is Monitoring Healthcare Metrics Important For Your Practice
  • 34 Best Healthcare KPIs and Metrics

…and more!

What is a Healthcare KPI?

In the past, hospitals used to keep paper records of patients’ information.

Nowadays, however, this method of record-keeping is just outdated.

So, in the U.S. alone 89.9% of office-based healthcare providers have switched to keeping electronic health records.

But organizing patient data isn’t the only benefit of switching to electronic health records:

It also allows healthcare providers to analyze the performance of their healthcare facility.

This is done by transforming patient information into healthcare Key Performance Indicators (KPI or metrics), which are quantifiable measures that evaluate, analyze, and help to optimize the quality of healthcare provided by the facility.

Essentially, healthcare KPIs measure the overall success of a healthcare facility and show how the facility compares to its competitors in terms of performance.

As such, healthcare KPIs are valuable measurables that can help the healthcare facility:

  • Improve its performance
  • Increase profitability
  • Ensure the patients’ satisfaction

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Why is Monitoring Healthcare Metrics Important For Your Practice

Like any business, hospitals have to consider the quality of their services, their patients’ needs, and their resources.

However, this can be difficult if you aren’t monitoring your clinic’s performance with healthcare KPIs.

In fact, without using healthcare metrics, you may have no idea how to improve your practice’s performance, and how your clinic compares to others.

But, by evaluating the care you provide from the moment a patient steps into your healthcare facility to the moment he leaves, healthcare metrics can help you to:

  • Measure the effectiveness of your healthcare practices
  • Reveal the areas which need improvement
  • Improve patients’ experience and increase their satisfaction
  • Ensure you’re using your resources in the most optimal way
  • Reduce healthcare costs

On top of that, if you plan to go for national and international accreditations, your clinic’s performance must meet specific standards set by the accrediting organization.

As such, monitoring and reporting healthcare KPIs is a must - it helps to improve your clinic’s performance and show that your clinic is up to par with the accreditation requirements.

34 Best Healthcare KPIs and Metrics

Without further ado, here are the 35 best healthcare KPIs to monitor in 2024:

#1. Patient wait duration

Calculated by dividing the total wait time by the number of patients, this healthcare metric indicates how long a patient needs to wait before seeing a healthcare professional. As such, this healthcare KPI can help to identify staffing and scheduling needs and increase patient satisfaction.

#2. Emergency room waiting time

This healthcare KPI is similar to the patient wait duration, except it’s focused specifically on emergency rooms. Calculated by dividing the total wait time by the number of patients, this healthcare KPI tracks how long it takes to receive initial care after a patient arrives at the emergency room. Monitoring this metric can improve your hospital’s emergency room efficiency by calculating rush hours so you could make effective scheduling and staffing changes.

#3. The number of patients leaving before seeing the healthcare provider

This healthcare KPI measures how many patients have left your healthcare facility before their visit. As such, this healthcare KPI is often linked to other healthcare metrics, such as staff-to-patient balance and patient wait duration. This is a healthcare metric that signifies hospital efficiency. So, if the number is high, you will know there are waiting room issues that need to be addressed to optimize your practice’s performance and patient satisfaction.

#4. Cancellation rate

This healthcare KPI tracks the percentage of cancellations in your healthcare facility. As such, it’s a useful healthcare metric for managing resource waste and increasing patient attendance rate (as well as their satisfaction).

#5. Readmission rate

This healthcare metric measures the percentage of patients that are admitted to your hospital multiple times for the same health issue. A low readmission rate means that your hospital is providing high-quality healthcare for its patients, while a high rate means there is room for improvement. By monitoring this healthcare KPI along with the medical error rate and staff training healthcare metrics, you can find out what causes patients to be readmitted.

#6. Patient medication cost

Calculated by dividing the hospital’s total medication cost by the number of stays, this is a valuable healthcare KPI to effectively track and optimize your expenses. By monitoring the cost of medication, your staff can avoid prescribing medication that patients can’t afford to pay for (or their insurance doesn’t cover).

#7. Average treatment charge

Calculated by dividing a treatment’s total charge by the number of treatments, this healthcare metric indicates the efficiency and effectiveness of your hospital’s treatments. For example, you could measure the average cost of fertility treatment in your clinic and see how it compares to other clinics. If your charge is significantly higher, it means you need to optimize your spending. Additionally, this healthcare KPI is useful if you’re seeking to reduce hospital costs.

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#8. Average discharge cost

Calculated by dividing the number of the total discharge cost by the number of discharges, this healthcare KPI shows how much on average is spent on a patient’s discharge. By monitoring this metric, you can see which areas of care (such as cardiac care, cancer care, emergency care, etc.) are the most and least profitable, so it’s a great metric to monitor when you’re looking to avoid overspending.

#9. Employee compensation

This healthcare KPI measures how much your healthcare facility spends on employees’ wages. As such, this is a useful healthcare metric for managing your practice’s finances and ensuring you aren’t underpaying or overpaying your employees. However, if this healthcare KPI is very low, you may be saving financially at a cost of lower quality services due to low staff motivation, low staff retention rate, or low staff-to-patient ratio.

#10. Net profit margin

Calculated by dividing the net income by net sales, this useful healthcare KPI shows the amount of profit your hospital generates from every $1 after excluding all expenses.

#11. Average insurance claim processing time

This healthcare KPI is key to managing cash flow since it tracks how long it takes for different insurers to issue payments to your hospital. If this healthcare KPI is low, your hospital is receiving payments on time. Alongside, you can also track the average insurance claim processing cost.

#12. Average hospital stay length

Calculated by dividing the total stay duration of all patients by the total number of stays in the hospital, this is a general healthcare metric that tracks how long on average patients stay in the hospital. To get more specific information, you can organize the patients into different clusters based on similarities (e.g. treatment type, since, for example, patients typically stay longer in the hospital after a tonsillectomy than a wisdom teeth extraction).

#13. Bed occupancy percentage

This healthcare metric measures the bed occupancy rate over a given period, such as a month or a year. If your bed occupancy rate is high, it indicates that your healthcare facility is profitable. This healthcare KPI can also help to manage available hospital beds and avoid overloading.

#14. Bed turnover

Calculated by dividing the total number of discharges (including deaths) by the total number of beds in the hospital, this is a healthcare KPI that identifies how fast patients rotate in and out of the hospital. To ensure accurate results, this healthcare KPI should be tracked together with the readmission rate, as some patients may be readmitted shortly after being discharged. If the rate is extremely high or extremely low, your hospital might not be using its resources optimally. For example, if this healthcare KPI is very low, this means patients stay in the hospital for too long because of understaffing, lack of training, or other such issues. On top of that, you might also be losing money since your clinic isn’t working efficiently.

#15. Account Receivable (AR) turnover rate

Calculated by dividing net credit sales by the average AR, this healthcare metric shows the efficiency of the payment collection (whether from insurance companies, patients, or governmental bodies) by the hospital. So, a low AR turnover rate is a sign that your hospital has issues collecting money, while a high turnover rate means that your hospital is collecting payments on time.

#16. Staff training by the department

This healthcare metric calculates how many hours of training in total the staff of each department in your hospital has received. Alternatively, this healthcare KPI can also measure the amount of total training all of your employees have collectively received. You can also measure the amount of training by category, e.g. how many hours of emergency training your employees have received.

#17. Staff-to-patient balance

Calculated by dividing the number of patients by the number of employees, this healthcare KPI measures the ratio between the number of care providers and patients. As such, it can help you to improve your healthcare quality, patient satisfaction, and healthcare efficiency by addressing issues related to understaffing or overstaffing. You can also use this metric to measure the balance between patients and medical professionals specifically.

#18. Staff retention

Calculated by dividing the number of employees who leave the job by the number of total employees, this healthcare KPI is linked to employee satisfaction and staff-to-patient balance. If this healthcare metric is high, you may need to address hospital management issues. It’s important to keep this healthcare KPI as low as possible to ensure the hospital is working effectively.

#19. Medical professional staff ratio

Calculated by dividing the number of employed healthcare professionals by the total number of employees, this healthcare metric indicates the ratio between healthcare professionals (nurses, doctors, etc.) and other staff members (administrative personnel, maintenance staff, etc.). To ensure that the hospital is running efficiently and providing high-quality care for patients, it’s important to have a good balance between medical professionals and other staff members. A very low professional healthcare staff number means that the patients might not receive sufficient care on time, while a very high number may indicate issues with maintaining and operating the hospital.

#20. Surgery rescheduling rate

This healthcare KPI measures the percentage of canceled or delayed surgeries, which can help to increase the hospital’s efficiency by finding and addressing the causes of rescheduling surgeries. For example, this healthcare KPI may be high if you don’t have enough surgeons or high-quality equipment, resulting in surgery delays. This healthcare metric can also be tracked alongside the staff-to-patient balance healthcare KPI to assess potential scheduling and understaffing issues.

#21. Patient satisfaction

This is one of the most important healthcare KPIs in measuring the quality of your healthcare services. A low patient satisfaction rate means that your healthcare facility isn’t providing proper care for the patients, so you may be losing clients and profit. A high patient satisfaction score indicates that you provide high-quality services, which can help you advertise and attract new (and returning) patients.

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#22. Patient follow-up rate

This healthcare metric measures the percentage of patients who are followed up by the care provider (nurse, doctor, etc.) after their stay in the hospital. Monitoring this healthcare metric can help to decrease your hospital’s readmission rate and increase patient satisfaction.

#23. Patient safety

This healthcare metric measures whether your hospital complies with safety regulations when treating patients. If this metric is low, it is a sign that your patients may be having complications, getting infected in your hospital, or are otherwise being put at risk due to the lack of proper care. As such, it’s an important healthcare metric for avoiding hospital-wide outbreaks, keeping your patients safe, improving the quality of healthcare you provide, and identifying any safety-related issues in your hospital.

#24. Surgical site infection percentage

This healthcare KPI measures the percentage of patients who get infected during surgery. Since this healthcare metric is very specific, it should be monitored alongside other healthcare KPIs. For example, if your patient safety rate is low, the surgical site infection percentage may be lowered once patient safety issues are addressed.

#25. Patient mortality rate

This healthcare metric shows whether the healthcare facility is able to successfully handle high-risk cases by measuring the percentage of people who pass away in the hospital bed. A high patient mortality rate means the hospital fails to provide sufficient care and treatment for the patients. Optimally, your patient mortality rate should be below 2% - of course, the lower the percentage, the better.

#26. Percentage of bedsores after admission

This healthcare KPI tracks the percentage of patients who develop bed sores after being admitted to your hospital. If the percentage is high, it can indicate understaffing, lack of staff training, and other related problems that should be addressed to increase patient satisfaction, safety, and the quality of your healthcare services.

#27. Incidence of falls

If the rates of patient satisfaction, staff training, or patient safety in your hospital are low, you may want to consider looking into this healthcare KPI. This healthcare metric tracks the percentage of patients who land on the floor, furniture, and other objects due to mishandling.

#28. Patient confidentiality

This healthcare KPI calculates how many times patients’ sensitive information was compromised and given to or seen by unapproved third parties.

#29. Medical equipment usage

This healthcare KPI helps to determine how many units of advanced medical equipment your hospital needs, which can help you manage your finances and avoid unnecessary purchases. In case the equipment is overused, however, you may run into higher maintenance costs and prolonged treatment time caused by equipment wear.

#30. Medical error percentage

Want to monitor and measure your staff’s effectiveness? This healthcare KPI can show you how many mistakes (e.g. prescribing the wrong medication or dosage) your staff made while attending to each patient. This healthcare metric can be also monitored alongside other healthcare KPIs, such as staff training metrics.

#31. Childhood immunization rate

This healthcare KPI helps measure herd immunity in the community by tracking how many children have received immunizations. Although this metric is related to public health, it’s useful for your practice as it can help you with managing resources, prioritizing other treatments, and reducing hospital overloading.

#32. Media exposure

This healthcare metric measures the number of times the media (news channels, newspapers, etc.) have mentioned your healthcare facility. Your practice’s public image can either attract more patients and increase profitability or hurt your healthcare facility, so it’s recommended to measure positive and negative media mentions separately.

#33. Education programs

This healthcare metric helps to track the number of educational programs in different regions in total, either by education program type or by audience type. Health education effectively prevents disease spread by raising public awareness, so this important healthcare KPI can help you see if the community is educated enough to prevent the spread of infections, viruses, and other diseases, which can directly affect your medical practice

#34. Patient paperwork comprehension

This healthcare KPI measures the percentage of patients who easily understand and fill in the paperwork provided by your healthcare facility. If the rate is low, it may take longer than necessary to process paperwork, so patients may not be receiving necessary care quickly and efficiently. On top of that, this may affect the patient satisfaction rate.

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